Friday, August 28, 2009

Town Board Makes It Clear....

...that fulfilling their own agenda is much more important than representing the citizens that put them in office! They approved the asphalt plant--one can only assume because it will line their own pockets (if that hasn't been done already).

This does not constitute democracy and needs exposure. I wonder if ABC's 20/20 would like to do a story on this... We need a major news outlet to do some investigations to uncover the "real' true behind our board.


Anonymous said...

i sympathize with your elected officials not listening....i live 1 mile downwind from an asphalt plant in Rhinelander, wi, and my wife operates a licensed childcare center here, as well, and the pollution is quite foolish---when will people stop believeing in money first and life second? thanks for your efforts

Anonymous said...

you people are crazy. if you don't like it then move. some things just "have" to get done. maybe if you attempted to understand the the arguments "for" the plant you would start to understand. wooo! go ashpalt plant go!

Anonymous said...

This is temprary asphalt plant that has operated in the town off and on in different spots for 30 yrs. It is old news with not history of any complaint. It certainly is interesting that Susan Kessler, John Kessler, John Anderson, Roseann Hahn, and Taylor Wishau are all past or present school board members have been actively against the town board members on this issue. I would think they'd be focusing on the school boards issue like it's million and half dollar budget deficit. Maybe they just do not want the focus on their board?