Thursday, October 22, 2009

Recall for Jeff Lang

From Sue Kessler:

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all who want to help with the recall. One of the best ways to help is to circulate a petition among your neighbors. I have a link below in which you can print a recall petition. You must fill it out exactly as I have listed below. Please read the attachment carefully regarding the rules to circulate a petition. The most important thing is that you must witness the signature and be sure that the person signing is a resident of Burlington Township. Be sure that the signature is legible and in handwriting (not printed). We cannot leave these petitions in places like Hunny Tree so we will need everyone to try to get as many signatures as possible. You must sign the petition at the bottom as "Circulator" and date it. Everything must be done legally or the signatures do not count. If you can bring some completed petitions to the signing at Winkler on Saturday, that would be great. After that, John and / or I will be at Winkler on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 to pick up petitions as they are completed. Please keep these petitions secure. We need 700 signatures but I think that as a group, this is easily achievable. Thanks for all your help and we hope to see you all on Saturday from 9:00 to 2:00 at Winkler's school.

1. print page 13

2. Fill in the following

To: Leave Blank

We, the undersigned qualified electors of the Town of Burlington

petition for the recall of Jeff Lang, Supervisor IV

from the office pursuant to Article XIII, Section 12 of the Wisconsin Constitution and s.9.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes

Statement for Reason for Recall:

Jeff Lang failed to listen to the community and failed to live up to his oath of office and the mission statement

Certification of Circulator

Print your name and address, date and sign the petition.