Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What You Can Do...

If you want to help stop the asphalt plant from coming to Burlington, Wisconsin: (1) write a letter to your local supervisor. Include the facts cited on this website as reasons why this asphalt plant should NOT come here! (2) Also ask that the Town read your letter at their next meeting (in case they don't give us a voice)! (3) Print the flyer on the right and share it with your neighborhood!!
Town Hall Address:
32288 Bushnell Rd.
Burlington, Wisconsin 53105

Ralph Rice rejected health concerns cited by a brain surgeon, pollution and the fact the plant is against the town's mission as insufficient reasons to stop this project, so ask him what reasons would be acceptable reasons to cancel this project?! Are there any??

What do we have to do to get our opinions heard and recognized? We have hard facts, but no one is listening to us!!

Hazard Sign

Scientist Dr. Wang from Harvard Speaks...

...about a proposed asphalt plant coming to his neighborhood...

Property Value Drop up to 56%! Health Risks!

Vinyl Ready Art - Holidays

The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League has released two studies showing the adverse impacts on property values and public health for residents living near operating asphalt plants. A property value study documented losses of up to 56% as a direct result of an asphalt plant.

In another study nearly half of the residents report negative impacts on their health after only two years of asphalt plant operations. The door-to-door survey shows that 45% of the residents living within a half mile of a two year old asphalt plant report a deterioration of their health which began after the plant opened. The most frequent problems include high blood pressure (18% of people surveyed), sinus problems (18%),headaches (14%), and shortness of breath (9%).

Where Will the Asphalt Plant Be?

It appears the asphalt plant fallout of chemicals will directly affect the watershed of Bohner Lake. If Bohner Lake is no longer a desireable asset to our community, how will that affect the town revenue??

Click on the map to move it around, or click on the side controls to enlarge or decrease the size. The exact spot of the asphalt plant is not marked on this map. We just identified Warren Road.

View Larger Map

The Dangers of Asphalt

Cancer and Asphalt Study

The cancer mortality was significantly increased in asphalt workers aged 45 or more, when five years' latency from enrolment into the study was allowed for (SMR for cancer: 159, 95% confidence interval: 106-228). Non-significant increases were seen for respiratory, bladder, and digestive cancers but a significant increase was seen for brain cancer (SMR = 500, 95% CI: 103-1461). Components of asphalt fumes may have been important to the observed association between risk of cancer and employment in the asphalt industry.

Close-up of hospitalized patients hand

Harvard School of Public Health:

"An asphalt plant will significantly increase air pollutants," said Dr. Michael Wang, a research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, who also lives in Chelmsford. "What worries me most is the particulate matter. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is because it can be more easily absorbed into the lungs."

Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. Wang said that according to the Environmental Protection Agency, once inhaled, these particles can affect the heart and lungs and cause serious health effects, including cancer.

X-ray of lungs

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't forget to mark your calenders for July 23, 2009 at 6:30.

If you don't want the asphalt plant in our backyard, we need people at the meeting to keep the pressure on the town to NOT approve B.R. Amons conditional use permit.

Two people with a calendar