Thursday, October 22, 2009

Recall for Jeff Lang

From Sue Kessler:

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all who want to help with the recall. One of the best ways to help is to circulate a petition among your neighbors. I have a link below in which you can print a recall petition. You must fill it out exactly as I have listed below. Please read the attachment carefully regarding the rules to circulate a petition. The most important thing is that you must witness the signature and be sure that the person signing is a resident of Burlington Township. Be sure that the signature is legible and in handwriting (not printed). We cannot leave these petitions in places like Hunny Tree so we will need everyone to try to get as many signatures as possible. You must sign the petition at the bottom as "Circulator" and date it. Everything must be done legally or the signatures do not count. If you can bring some completed petitions to the signing at Winkler on Saturday, that would be great. After that, John and / or I will be at Winkler on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 to pick up petitions as they are completed. Please keep these petitions secure. We need 700 signatures but I think that as a group, this is easily achievable. Thanks for all your help and we hope to see you all on Saturday from 9:00 to 2:00 at Winkler's school.

1. print page 13

2. Fill in the following

To: Leave Blank

We, the undersigned qualified electors of the Town of Burlington

petition for the recall of Jeff Lang, Supervisor IV

from the office pursuant to Article XIII, Section 12 of the Wisconsin Constitution and s.9.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes

Statement for Reason for Recall:

Jeff Lang failed to listen to the community and failed to live up to his oath of office and the mission statement

Certification of Circulator

Print your name and address, date and sign the petition.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Town Board Makes It Clear....

...that fulfilling their own agenda is much more important than representing the citizens that put them in office! They approved the asphalt plant--one can only assume because it will line their own pockets (if that hasn't been done already).

This does not constitute democracy and needs exposure. I wonder if ABC's 20/20 would like to do a story on this... We need a major news outlet to do some investigations to uncover the "real' true behind our board.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

766 Signatures Against Asphalt Plant

Sue Kessler has collected 766 signatures against the asphalt plant. May this send a message to the board that all the people that elected them are against this plant.

It's time now for our voice be heard.

Thinkstock Single Image Set

Monday, August 17, 2009

Asphalt Plant Complaints

Man in Sweaty Shirt Holding Nose

The town of Salisbury, NC, logged 574 formal complaints to the city from March 11, 1999 to October 15, 2004, for NOXIOUS ODOR and associated respiratory problems. That's more than 100 complaints per year!

If our town politicans think asphalt plants don't smell and won't affect our health, they need to visit Salisbury!!!

Doctor pointing at spot on x-ray of human lung

Increased Suicide Rate Linked to Asphalt Plants

Here is an interesting study (thanks, Dr. Shea!):
Increase Suicide Rate is Possibly Linked to Chemicals Released from Nearby Asphalt Plant
from Duke
DURHAM, N.C. -- Exposure to low levels of hydrogen sulfide and possibly other airborne chemicals from nearby asphalt plants may have contributed to an increased suicide rate in a North Carolina community, a study suggests for the first time.
In 2003, the suicide rate in two Salisbury, N.C., neighborhoods was found to be 128 per 100,000 individuals a year, roughly 10 times the statewide average...

The study team reported that additional neurotoxic compounds such as benzene, chlorinated solvents and carbon disulfide, among others, were released in unknown quantities by the asphalt terminal and hot-mix asphalt plant. Carbon disulfide, also a neurotoxin, has been linked to personality changes, mood disorders and suicides in occupational settings , the researchers said.

In addition, "Some research suggests that highway workers exposed to asphalt-solvent fumes show an increase of suicide rates and brain cancers."

Is this what we want for Burlington?

Brain Cancer Studies and Asphalt

Occupational Risk Factors for Brain Cancer in Canada (Thanks, Dr. Shea!):
OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the impact of occupational exposure on brain cancer risk.
METHODS: Mailed questionnaires were used to collect information on lifetime employment history, occupational exposure to 18 chemicals, and other risk factors for 1009 incident cases of brain cancer and 5039 control subjects in Canada in 1994 to 1997.

Cat Scan Machine In Hospital

RESULTS: People exposed to asphalt and welding had respective odds ratio (and 95% confidence interval) of 1.29 (1.02-1.62) and 1.26 (0.98-1.45). An increased risk of brain cancer might be associated with exposure to asbestos, benzene, mineral or lubricating oil, isopropyl oil, and wood dust and with following occupations: teaching; protective service; metal processing and related jobs, and metal shaping and forming; knitting in textile processing; construction trades; and transport equipment operating.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests a possible role for occupational exposure in the etiology of brain cancer.

We Need Setback Rules for Asphalt Plants

Check out this FABULOUS ARTICLE titled, "Asphalt Plant Pollution"
Communities faced with an asphalt plant proposal should push for setbacks from residences and community buildings, site specific health-based
air pollution modeling and monitoring, enclosures for loading zones, and preferably a zero emissions asphalt plant, with total containment of air pollutants.
To see a list of pollutants released in Racine County already, prior to the asphalt plant, click here.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Loss of Tax Revenue if Asphalt Plant Comes

House on suburban street with For Sale sign in foreground

876 homes in the Bohner's Lake area are currently assessed at $161,864,400.

If the asphalt plant is approved, we can expect to see decreased property values. Several studies have documented this (read here). The potential decrease in assessed values at 27% (which is conversative and realistic) is $43,703,388. Some studies show property values could fall as much as 56%.

To compensate for the loss $43M loss, the town would likely have to raise the mill rate to make up for the loss, which would effect everybody in the town, including the people who live on Browns Lake.

This is not just a Bohner Lake issue. It's a town issue. If you know people in the town outside of the Bohner Lake area, you should get them involved ASAP. This will effect everyone's bottom line.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

PowerPoint Presentation to Town Board

On August 13, Sue Kessler presented an excellent presentation to the Town Board of Burlington informing them of all the reasons we should not allow a hot asphalt plant into our town.

If you missed it, you can view it

Thanks for all of your hard work, Sue, we appreciate it!

Write a Letter to the Editor

We are looking to get the Standard Press chalked full of opinions against the asphalt plant.

Please submit your thoughts in opposition of the plant to the Burlington Standard Press by Tuesday afternoon.

Man sitting in hammock reading newspaper, side view

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another Letter to the Editor

Click to read what Burlington Township resident Dan Brown has to say about the proposed asphalt plant here.

Reading a Letter

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 13th -- Presentation to Board

Please gather everyone you know and go to Town Hall on August 13th. At this time, the citizens against the asphalt plant will be presenting a slide show to the Town Board explaining to them why we don't want this in our town.

Business people in a meeting
The more people that show up, the better. Tell your neighbors, bring your kids.

Also, plan on showing your support at the Town Hall Meeting where a vote is expected on August 27th.

We need to let the elected officals know that we stand strong and united against this chemical nightmare coming here!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meeting at Winkler School August 6th

Citizens Against the Warren Road Asphalt Plant will hold a meeting on August 6, 2009 at Winkler School at 7:00 pm.

Woman turning page in date book

Please come to see the powerpoint presentation which will be presented to the Town Board on August 13, 2009. We will have a brainstorming session after the presentation. The decision regarding the proposed plant will be made by the Town Board on August 27, 2009 at the Town Hall. We need a strong show of support at that meeting. Please forward this invitaion to anyone else you know who is interested. Hope to see you on Aug 6.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Controversial asphalt plant vote delayed again

Our blog was mentioned in on July 22, 2009:

Neighbors opposing the project say their concerns include the long-term implications on health and environment caused by air pollution and ground water contamination; the increased number of diesel powered trucks on the roads; the loss in property values and the close proximity to a densely populated area and a elementary school.

They have launched Web site,, and are urging Amon to choose a different site.

Asphalt Plant Pollution

The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states “Asphalt processing and asphalt roofing manufacturing facilities are major sources of hazardous air pollutants such as formaldehyde, hexane, phenol, polycyclic organic matter, and toluene. Exposure to these air toxics may cause:

  1. Cancer
  2. Central nervous system problems
  3. Liver damage
  4. Respiratory problems and skin irritation.”

    Source EPA].
"Asphalt plants are regulated because they are air pollution sources that may emit significant levels of both particulate matter and gaseous volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants are considered to be detrimental to human health . Some VOCs are suspected carcinogens."

No sign

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Opinion in the Journal Times

Commentary: Asphalt plant not welcome in Town of Burlington

Woman gesturing with raised hands

By Christine Schultz
Town of Burlington resident
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:39 PM CDT
After attending the Burlington Planning and Zoning Meeting on June 25, I left feeling uneasy about the “temporary portable hot mix asphalt plant” being proposed.

Dozens of residents spoke out against the plant and our concerns must have struck a chord with three of the members who voted against the proposal. Unfortunately that isn’t the end of it. The proposal, which was approved by the Racine County Board the week before, will get the final vote by the Burlington Town Board on July 23.

Residents raised important considerations about air and water quality. Bohners Lake is only one nautical mile away from the proposed site for the asphalt plant and it is in the direct path of the constant westerly winds. Toxic chemicals will pollute the air. A brain surgeon from Bohners Lake expressed that contaminated fumes even at one-fourth of a percent are dangerous enough to cause brain tumors and cancer. I have read articles about residents living near similar asphalt plants in other areas of the United States who developed upper respiratory complications within six months of the plant’s operation.

Read more here

Thanks, Christine!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Town Board Vote Delayed

Assortment of vote badges

From My Racine County Online:
Town further delays decision
A decision on a controversial proposal to bring a portable asphalt plant to a gravel pit near the Bohners Lake neighborhood has been postponed, with the Town of Burlington Board of Supervisors not expected to act on the request until Aug. 27... Read entire article here...
Ralph Rice say in the article, "Regardless of what we do we're not going to be very popular."

Does that sound like a board member who cares about the people he represents? Or is he more concerned about a business being mad at him? You tell me...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What You Can Do...

If you want to help stop the asphalt plant from coming to Burlington, Wisconsin: (1) write a letter to your local supervisor. Include the facts cited on this website as reasons why this asphalt plant should NOT come here! (2) Also ask that the Town read your letter at their next meeting (in case they don't give us a voice)! (3) Print the flyer on the right and share it with your neighborhood!!
Town Hall Address:
32288 Bushnell Rd.
Burlington, Wisconsin 53105

Ralph Rice rejected health concerns cited by a brain surgeon, pollution and the fact the plant is against the town's mission as insufficient reasons to stop this project, so ask him what reasons would be acceptable reasons to cancel this project?! Are there any??

What do we have to do to get our opinions heard and recognized? We have hard facts, but no one is listening to us!!

Hazard Sign

Scientist Dr. Wang from Harvard Speaks...

...about a proposed asphalt plant coming to his neighborhood...

Property Value Drop up to 56%! Health Risks!

Vinyl Ready Art - Holidays

The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League has released two studies showing the adverse impacts on property values and public health for residents living near operating asphalt plants. A property value study documented losses of up to 56% as a direct result of an asphalt plant.

In another study nearly half of the residents report negative impacts on their health after only two years of asphalt plant operations. The door-to-door survey shows that 45% of the residents living within a half mile of a two year old asphalt plant report a deterioration of their health which began after the plant opened. The most frequent problems include high blood pressure (18% of people surveyed), sinus problems (18%),headaches (14%), and shortness of breath (9%).

Where Will the Asphalt Plant Be?

It appears the asphalt plant fallout of chemicals will directly affect the watershed of Bohner Lake. If Bohner Lake is no longer a desireable asset to our community, how will that affect the town revenue??

Click on the map to move it around, or click on the side controls to enlarge or decrease the size. The exact spot of the asphalt plant is not marked on this map. We just identified Warren Road.

View Larger Map

The Dangers of Asphalt

Cancer and Asphalt Study

The cancer mortality was significantly increased in asphalt workers aged 45 or more, when five years' latency from enrolment into the study was allowed for (SMR for cancer: 159, 95% confidence interval: 106-228). Non-significant increases were seen for respiratory, bladder, and digestive cancers but a significant increase was seen for brain cancer (SMR = 500, 95% CI: 103-1461). Components of asphalt fumes may have been important to the observed association between risk of cancer and employment in the asphalt industry.

Close-up of hospitalized patients hand

Harvard School of Public Health:

"An asphalt plant will significantly increase air pollutants," said Dr. Michael Wang, a research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, who also lives in Chelmsford. "What worries me most is the particulate matter. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is because it can be more easily absorbed into the lungs."

Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. Wang said that according to the Environmental Protection Agency, once inhaled, these particles can affect the heart and lungs and cause serious health effects, including cancer.

X-ray of lungs

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't forget to mark your calenders for July 23, 2009 at 6:30.

If you don't want the asphalt plant in our backyard, we need people at the meeting to keep the pressure on the town to NOT approve B.R. Amons conditional use permit.

Two people with a calendar